Thank you for visiting my gallery of paintings.

From smaller watercolors to very large acrylics, I am happiest as a painter. Landscapes, trees, animals, nudes — my range has been stretched by the serendipity of client requests. Never could I imagine I would be asked to paint a cow or a bear, an alligator, a walrus, or a turtle —and then love it!

I am always looking for great subjects, suggestions, and opportunities to extend my experience as a showing artist. Email: or call my cell: 907-529-7870 to speak with me directly.

It would be my honor to paint something specifically for you—customized for your subject, event, location, and time frame. Check out the “Commissions” page to see some examples.

Please check out my paintings here and feel free to contact me for more information.

I did it! – Acrylic 4×2′ Available for purchase. Please contact the artist.

A Sultry Sound – Acrylic 4×5′ Available for purchase. Please contact the artist.

Spanish Moss – Acrylic. 16×40″  SOLD

Ellie Mae – Acrylic.  18×24″ SOLD

Walrus! – Acrylic. 36×36″  Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist. SOLD

Low Country View – Acrylic. 4×4′ SOLD

Morning Swim – Acrylic. 16×40″ SOLD

My View—Almost – Acrylic. 2×4′  NFS

Tidal Buffet – Acrylic. 12×20″  SOLD

Forced Carry – (8th hole, Robert Trent Jones course, Palmetto Dunes Resort, Hilton Head, SC) Acrylic. 20×24″  Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist. SOLD

Ibis Party – Acrylic. 12×36″  Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist.  SOLD

Maritime Mitch – Acrylic. 2×4′  Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist.  SOLD

Incoming Tide – Acrylic. 9×36″  Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist. SOLD

Flocking up – Acrylic. 2×4′  Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist. SOLD

Wetland Wonders – Watercolor. 12×18″  Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist. SOLD

Early Morning – Watercolor. 11×15″  Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist. SOLD

Happy as a Clam – Acrylic. 24×48″  Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist. SOLD

Swaying – Acrylic. 16×40″  Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist.  SOLD

Alaska Winter – Acrylic. 16×30″ SOLD

Teenage Defiance – Watercolor 10×10″ Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist. SOLD

Crab Cocktail – Acrylic.  30×48″  SOLD to Aunt Adele!

Incoming! – Acrylic. 18×40′ SOLD

Waiting – Watercolor.  8×18″  SOLD

Seasons in Birch – Watercolor. 7×30″  SOLD

Popping Up! – Acrylic. 24×30″ SOLD

A Winter Wind  – Acrylic. 12×36″  SOLD

Fall – Watercolor.  6×12″ Framed. Available for purchase. Please contact the artist. SOLD

Mossy Birch – Watercolor. SOLD

Majestic Beauty- Acrylic. SOLD

New Alki

Low Tide –  Acrylic.  30×40″  Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist.

Sunrise Silhouette – Watercolor 7×30″ SOLD

Almost Winter – Watercolor 7×14″ SOLD

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Just in time for the KC Show!  Watercolors.  9×12″  Framed  – Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist.


Marsh Talk  – Watercolor.  7×30″ SOLD


Miss Clover.  Acrylic.  24×30″ SOLD

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Betty’s Beach Birds  Acrylic.  40×16″  SOLD

Walrus - 2018

Rosie Obodenus.  Acrylic. 4×2′  Sold at April First Friday in Anchorage at Two Friends Gallery.

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Evening Snow  Acrylic.  2×4′  SOLD

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Alpenglow Birch   Watercolor.  7×30″  Framed  – Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist.

Snowy day

Winter Evening.  Acrylic.  12×36″ SOLD

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Swans—Heading Out.  Acrylic.  24×30″ SOLD

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Windy Birch.  Watercolor.  7×30″  Framed.

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Sunset Oak.  Watercolor.  11×15″ Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist. SOLD


Cotton Candy Birch.  
Watercolor.  7×30″ Framed  Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist.

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Aurora “Bear”ealis.  Acrylic.  4×5′  SOLD


Spring— and then Some. Watercolor.  7×30″ Framed.  Donated and Sold at Big Brothers Big Sisters Auction

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Pecking Order.  
Acrylic.  40×16″ SOLD

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Mussel Beach. 
Acrylic.  24×36″ SOLD

Lunch - Final

Acrylic.  48×30″ SOLD


Speckled Birch.  Watercolor.  7×30″ Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist. SOLD

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Seasons in Silhouette.  Watercolor.  7×30″ SOLD


Feeling Crabby.  Acrylic.  12×40″   SOLD


Shore Birds  Acrylic.  16×20″  Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist


Red Birds  Watercolor.  7×30″  SOLD


Fall Trees Watercolor.  7×30″  SOLD

Baby calf
Slim.  Acrylic.  40×16″   SOLD

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I was happy to deliver Jeff and Laurel’s new 2×4′ Bear to Boise!


Baby, it’s Cold Outside!  Acrylic.  16×40″ SOLD


Coastal Trail Sunset  Watercolor.  10×10″ SOLD


Reaching Watercolor.  15×11″ SOLD


Meisje – A commissioned gift for Mandy’s friend in New Orleans. What a face!

My good friend, Steph’s, special request— A wintery water scene painted for her Portland, OR home.




Back to painting Nudes. Ahhhhh…  Watercolor 15×11″ SOLD


Nancy got her Gretel! Happy Birthday! Commission, 30×24″ Acrylic


“Otterly Delicious!” Acrylic.  24×36″ SOLD

Evening Snowstorm.  Acrylic.  16×40″  SOLD

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She Lives.  Watercolor  11×15″ Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist.

For price, please contact the artist.
Hawk. Acrylic.  20×24″  Framed. Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist.  SOLD
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Bright Nude.  Watercolor.  11×15″  Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist. SOLD

watercolor 1
  Watercolor  12×18″ SOLD

Ranch trees
At the Ranch. Acrylic.  Two panels – 20×20″ SOLD

Wild wind on Beach 
The Beach  Acrylic  30×40″  Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist. SOLD

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Donna got her chickens—Happy Birthday!

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The babies got painted!

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My “guide dog?” My “new” bike helmet

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Emily and Dan’s twins (Ernie and Vince) got their otters before they arrived…

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“Teddy” —the cutest dog ever!

Summer Birch. Acrylic 4×5′ SOLD

Karl's trees

Evelyn and Karl’s giant trees (6×7.5 feet)

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Bill’s Bear –
Acrylic  4×2′

Check out the Ranch’s Cow and Mr. Chow…

Big Bertha Chow - up close-1

Big Bertha

Chow for embroidery

Mr. Chow

Christi's Bear
Christi’s Bear.  Acrylic.  40×30″  Commission
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Seahorses.  Watercolors.  Commissioned presents from parents, Ruthlee and Bill

Motherhood.  Acrylic.  2×4′  Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist.

Seal in kelp
In the Kelp.  Acrylic.  16×40″  SOLD

Tall Trees
Burning Birch  Watercolor  22×30″  Framed. Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist

Dawn trees
Dawn. Watercolor. 11″ x 15″  Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist.

lab puppy
Sleepy Baby
  Acrylic  24×24″ Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist.

Jack the Jack
  Acrylic  24×24″ Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist.

Bermese pup
Bernese Pup  Acrylic  24×24″ Available for purchase. For price, please contact the artist.

Ovis Presley.  Acrylic.  4×5′  SOLD

Long trees - Feb
Daybreak.  Watercolor  7×30″  SOLD

New otter
My Urchin!  Acrylic.  16×40″  SOLD

Deb and Bear
Breakfast.  Acrylic.  2×4′  SOLD

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Nice Legs…  Acrylic.  16×40″  SOLD

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Snacking.  Watercolor.  11×15″  SOLD

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Beach Birds.  Acrylic.  30×40″  SOLD

First Heavy Snow at Night
Night in Winter.  Acrylic.  2×4′  SOLD

Polar Bear  Deb and bear at gallery
Polar Bear!  Acrylic  30×40   SOLD

Snowy evening
Evening. Snow. Wind.  Acrylic.  2×4′  SOLD

Shorebirds.  Acrylic.  16×40″  SOLD to Lynn!

Sydney's birds
Sydney’s Birds  Acrylic.  12×24″  A Gift from Michael

Door at Passage House
Passages  Acrylic.  Door.  For Passage House, Anchorage, AK

20×24 Acrylic. Commission

Ranch horse
Ranch Horse.  Acrylic.  4×4′  NFS Kristine’s Ranch Horse

Long trees
Seasons. Watercolor 7 x 30″ Framed SOLD

July Otter
Otterly” Delicious.  Acrylic.  2×4′  SOLD

small birds
Marsh Birds. 11×15″ Watercolor.  Framed—  a Gift for Amanda

Watercolor - 9-13
Fall River.  Watercolor 9 x 12″ Framed. For price, please contact the artist.

big butt
She Wonders. Acrylic. 3 x 4′  For price, please contact the artist.

Big Figure
She’s Not From Here  Watercolor. 22″ x 30″  SOLD

Renewal  Acrylic.  Painted Door Project.  Commissioned by and for Covenant House, Anchorage, Alaska

Sassy - my version
Sassy. Acrylic.  24×36″  Commission

Cara Commission
Wedding Trees. Acrylic.  3×4′  Commission

deb and Cow
Cow Acrylic.  20×20″  NFS

Seal outside
Harbor Seal in Bolinas Lagoon Acrylic.  2×4′  Commission

schawna's bird
Schawna’s Bird. 11×15″ Watercolor.   NFS

Diane with Otter
Diane’s office gift. Watercolor.   SOLD

Deb w otter 2
Jan and Jeff’s Otter 
Acrylic.  2×4′  SOLD

Otter - Barbara
Barbara’s Otter  Acrylic.  2×4′ SOLD

she bear - DE
She Bear. Acrylic.  4×4′  SOLD

Baby Bear Goes Fishing
Baby Bear Goes Fishing. Acrylic. 2 panels – 20×24″  SOLD

Bear 1
Jake’s Brown Bear. Acrylic. 4×5′  SOLD

Otter. Acrylic. 24×30″ SOLD

New 4 seasons
Seasons. Acrylic. 4 panels, 16×20″  SOLD

Watercolor seasons long
Long Seasons. Watercolor 7 x 30″ Framed SOLD

Barb's trees
Barb’s Trees. Acrylic. 4×5 4 panels, 16×20″ Commission

Walrus Acrylic. 2×4′  SOLD

Polar Bear
I See You.
Acrylic. 4×5′  SOLD

4 Seasons. Acrylic. 4 panels of 16×20   SOLD

yellow trees
Fall Begins. Acrylic. 24 x 30″  For price, please contact the artist.

Holiday Trees
Holiday Trees. Acrylic. 3′ x 4′ For price, please contact the artist.

Watercolor -reeds
Creekside. Watercolor 9 x 12″ Framed SOLD

One Stand, Four Seasons. Acrylic. 16 x 40″  For price, please contact the artist.

Bright Seasons.  Watercolor. 22″ x 30″  Unframed  For price, please contact the artist.

Backyard Trees. Acrylic. Four panels, each 16×20″ For price, please contact the artist.

Whimsical Trees.
Acrylic. 3′ x 4′  SOLD

Polar Bears at Play.  Acrylic. 30″ x 40″  SOLD

Big painting
Jeff’s Birch Trees. Acrylic. 3′ x 4′  SOLD

Winter cold
Winter Comes Early. Acrylic. 16″ x 20″ SOLD

blue trees
Big Blue Birch.  Acrylic. 24″ x 36″  SOLD

trees- watercolor big
Windbreak  Watercolor. 22″ x 30″  Unframed  SOLD

Big, Big Trees.
Acrylic. 4×5′  SOLD

Blue - Cammy
Winter Birch. Acrylic. 12″ x 24″  SOLD

Fall trees
Fall Colors.
Acrylic. 16″ x 20″ SOLD

Green bright trees
Green Birch. Acrylic. 12″ x 24″  SOLD

red trees
Red Birch. Watercolor. 11″ x 15″  SOLD

Back 1
Back to Me. Acrylic. 24″ x 30″  SOLD

Full Bloom. Watercolor.  8″ x 11″ Framed  SOLD

nude 1
Nude in Field. Watercolor. 11″ x 15″ Framed  SOLD

big nude
Full-Figured Woman. Watercolor. 11″ x 15″ Framed  SOLD

Birds of the Apocalypse
Birds of the Apocalypse.  Acrylics. 22″ x 28″ $500.00

5 seasons black
5 Seasons. Acrylic. 5 panels of 16×20   SOLD